The Testimonials

“After suffering from a low immune system and repeated water infections for years and years, I had no idea how vital nutrition was in terms of prevention and finally getting me off repeated antibiotics. Thanks to the amazing advice from Kat, my life has changed forever. “ Annette, Hertfordshire

“I have always struggled with my weight. I spent years cutting out food groups, yo-yo dieting, binge eating, trying all the latest crazes and getting nowhere. I felt constantly tired, miserable, sad and with no confidence. A friend suggested speaking to Kat and I cant thank them both enough! I finally have a better understanding of food, feel more confident, am losing weight, and keeping it off! And finally have the energy to exercise! Thank you!” Mary, London

“Kat recommended a gluten and dairy free diet to help with my PCOS and it has made a real difference” Nicole, Kent

“Kat you are just the best!!! I can’t thank you enough for all the time you’ve put into this. I really, really appreciate it. I’ve had a quick skim through but will sit down now and try to get to grips with it. Am lamenting the loss of cheese as I’m a big cheese eater but I will try my best. It’s a tough diet but I have to get to grips with it. I had googled Kidney health myself so I am aware of the restrictions but I just couldn’t get my head round it all. I’m grateful to you for taking the time to break it down as I have no idea what is in any food types at all” Sarah, Surrey

“My weight used to fluctuate so I would skip meals, I’d then binge eat to make up for missing meals. I would do endless cardio as thought that was how you lost weight. And I had no idea about needing protein, carbs and fats to get in shape and actually lose weight. After seeing Kat she taught me about macros, weight training and how to include all food groups and keep track of a sustainable diet. I now manage to maintain a consistent weight and have made significant gains and progress in the gym. Cheers, Kat” Mark, Woking